before i end this post, i have three special words for three of my beloved classmates, who i am pretty sure is facing a great deal of pressure.
ah hua(edward): darling, cheer up alright. what has happened just by pass it. it's good that you're now given a second chance to prove yourself. have faith and confidence. AND always remember that there are 25 of us supporting you all the way. do your best for the upcoming promos, and the school will really have nothing to say. WE LOVE AH-HUA. whoops. i mean edward! :)
Shan: shan shan!i know life's been really hard and tough for you. but i know you are one strong guy who'll take this challenges positively. strive hard and reach your goals. dream big and you'll achieve it. dont care what others think and say of you. its what you think of yourself matters most. :)
Timothy:timmy! its sad to know that you've CHOSE to leave us. you've always been that joker that brings the extra joy to us. im hoping that the decision you've made will not be your regret. i wish you all the best in your future endeavours! :)
and to the rest of 07S12, I SIMPLY LOVE YOU to my oreo bits. (saf,keane,sheila,jess,shawn(g),shawn(b),vivian,aaron,jiahao,yong le,fang yi,derek,cat,cerlyn,kaining,kanesh,chuan yuan,deep, nurul, lavie, wiwi,huda and shaiful) nothing beats the love you guys have given me.
2days left love.
hazlyn :)